Have you ever wondered if your credit score is the invisible gatekeeper to your dream home? Surprisingly, closing those credit cards might be the very thing holding you back. You need to team up with a skilled lender who could boost your credit in as little as 30 days. Don’t let common misconceptions trip you up on the path to homeownership. Watch this video to learn smart strategies for improving your credit and taking confident steps toward owning the home you’ve always wanted.
Learn more: https://danamonson.homes/how-to-improve-your-credit-score-before-buying-a-home.html
#DanaMonson #CreditRepair #MortgageTips #CreditScore #RealEstate
0:00 — Introduction
0:08 — Credit repair concerns
1:37 — Mistakes to avoid when trying to improve credit
2:29 — The importance of working with a trusted lender
2:50 — How credit scores affect mortgage terms
3:28 — Wrap-Up
My team and I are expert real estate agents with Keller Williams in Marysville, WA and serve the greater Puget Sound area, providing home-buyers and sellers with professional, responsive, and attentive real estate services since 2004. Want an agent who'll really listen to what you want in a home? Need an agent who knows how to effectively market your home so it sells? Give us a call! We are eager to help and would love to talk to you.
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Dana Monson & Renée Winn, Realtors
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1027 State Ave #102
Marysville, WA 98270
📞(425) 231-2727
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