I Spent 3 Years Alone Building A Log Cabin

I Spent 3 Years Alone Building A Log Cabin

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Publish Date:
9 December, 2022
Land to Build
Video License
Standard License
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When I was 17 I became tired of living in Stockholm Sweden. I didn't connect with people and sought something bigger in life. I became obsessed with the idea of just packing a rucksack and wondering off into the vast forest of Sweden to create my own life, living off the land and build a log cabin. My Grandparents owned forest so I spent more and more time with them over weekends and such, wondering out and dreaming of my obsession. When I turned 18 I told everyone of my plans and I received a gopro camera from my parents, so I could at least film some of my adventures. I hadn't thought about filming anything but I did so. And that basically became this film. I later on also became very passionate about filming, accumulating better gear. I filmed and edited everything myself.

Log Cabin: (0:00)
3 Years Earlier: (0:29)
Finding Log Cabin Site: (0:49)
Chopping down the first trees: (1:18)
Spring: (2:17)
Splitting foundation log: (3:51)
Stone foundation: (4:20)
Building the log cabin: (5:10)
Beaver: (6:45)
How to lift the logs alone?: (7:14)
Cooking "Kålbullar": (8:45)
Starting to look like a log cabin: (9:25)
Windows: (11:04)
Door: (12:12)
Log Cabin roof structure: (13:00)
Winter incoming: (16:26)
Roof: (18:00)
Splitting stones under the log cabin?: (19:06)
Old wood preservation technique: (21:41)
My first dog: (23:53)
Root cellar: (25:17)
Enjoy the Swedish wilderness: (27:37)
Water sealing the roof using birch bark: (28:47)
Using old abandoned clay tiles as roofing material: (31:42)
Growing own food: (34:49)
Floor in the log cabin: (36:49)
Secret hatch: (39:41)
Ladder down the root cellar: (40:23)
Shelves: (42:22)
Filling the root cellar with the grown food: (46:12)
Building a pulk for easier transport: (48:08)
Handmade log cabin door: (49:08)
Forging: (54:39)
Going fishing with the pulk: (58:15)
Wilderness food cooking: (1:02:03)
Log fire pit for cooking: (1:06:03)
Handmade windows: (1:09:05)
Preparing food for family visit: (1:20:40)
Family feast at the log cabin: (1:27:25)