Home Buying Process Start to Finish. First time home buyer. How to buy a house. First time home buyers tips and advice. Home buying explained.
The BIGGEST Mistake Buyers Make when Home Buying... Not starting with a Buyers Consultation from a Local Trusted Realtor! That is putting "The Cart Before the Horse"
A Buyers Consultation will explain the Home Buying Process from Start to Finish.
1. Strong Offer Strategy to not lose out in Multiple Offers
2. Out of pocket expenses outside of your lenders fees.
3. What to expect during your home inspection
4. Why you need title insurance
5. Lenders require appraisals and repairs
There is more to buying a home then Open Houses, New Construction and Searching online apps. If you want to ensure that you are READY to BUY your dream home with less hassle, disappointment and headache,
START with a Buyers Consultation
#KilpatrickRealtor #ColdwellBanker #ForneyTX #ForneyRealEstateAgent #KaufmanCountyRealEstateAgent #BuyersAgent #firsttimehomebuy #realtor#homebuying101 #buyingahouse