Building your Multifamily Foundation - The essential Multifamily Lingo and Metrics with ARMADA REI

Building your Multifamily Foundation - The essential Multifamily Lingo and Metrics with ARMADA REI

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🏡 Welcome to the Multifamily Foundations Zoom with Avishkar Sabharwal, Andrea Garcia, and Drew Clayton from ARMADA REI! 🏡

Join us for an insightful journey into the world of multifamily real estate as we dive into the essential lingo and metrics during our Underwriting Focus!

📚 What to Expect:

Gain a solid understanding of multifamily foundations, terminology, and key metrics.
Engage with a comprehensive presentation on multifamily underwriting strategies.
Explore the Multifamily Freedom Chaser community and discover exciting events.
Meet like-minded individuals as attendees share their real estate investing backgrounds.
Learn crucial tips for initiating conversations with commercial brokers.

🏢 Navigating the Commercial Real Estate World:

Discover the importance of using the right terminology when dealing with commercial brokers.
Uncover the significance of the rent roll, T twelve financials, and offering memorandums in conversations.
Receive valuable insights on introducing yourself, sharing your "buy box," and providing constructive feedback to brokers.
Explore the essentials of a quick napkin underwrite, including net operating income (NOI) and cap rate calculations.

📊 Property Analysis and Metrics:

Understand the classification of properties based on condition and how it influences cap rates.
Delve into gross potential rent, effective gross income, and rental comparisons for property valuation.
Differentiate between stabilized and non-stabilized assets in terms of occupancy rates.
Explore value-add opportunities through operational improvements, renovations, and managing expenses.

💼 Investing Metrics and Strategies:

Learn about various return metrics, including cash on cash, IRR, average annualized return, and equity multiples.
Gain insights into preferred returns and their role in mitigating risk for limited partners.
Grasp the definition of an accredited investor and the qualification process.
Explore different financing options and the importance of building relationships with brokers and property managers.

🌐 Connect with Us:

Reach out to brokers and start building relationships.
Clearly define and communicate your buy box criteria.
Understand and utilize real estate terminology.
Research the multifamily market, including off-market deals and property listings.

🤝 Connect with ARMADA REI:

Get involved with the Multifamily Freedom Chaser community.

Explore further learning resources, including Veena Jetty's courses and the SEC website.

Network with our team for support and guidance.

🚀 Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your multifamily investing journey! Subscribe, like, and share for more valuable insights! 🚀

- The ARMADA REI Team Welcomes participants and outlines the session agenda.

00:27-Background and Introductions
- Participants share their backgrounds, locations, and investment interests.

04:59-Underwriting Focus, Lingo, and Metrics
- Introduction to underwriting series, focusing on real estate lingo and metrics.
- Quick-paced presentation with encouragement for participant questions.
- Discussion on underwriting terms, rent roll, T twelve, and income and expenses.
- Examples and tips for underwriting and broker conversations.

21:11-Napkin Underwriting and Gross Potential Rent
- Emphasis on the importance of quick napkin underwriting.
- Explanation of gross potential rent and potential revenue for apartments.

29:25-Expense Sheet and Underwriting Examples
- Example of an expense sheet, highlighting potential complexity.
- Participants share their underwriting experiences.

37:52-Metrics and General Multifamily Lingo
- Presentation of metrics and general terms in broker and investor conversations.
- Participants encouraged to screenshot information, offered additional learning resources.

- Participants invited to ask questions, share emails for the presentation.
- Review of chat for missed questions.
- Closing remarks, thanks for participation, and offer of slides and extra resources.

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