Calculating Vacation Home Ownership Costs EXPLAINED - Rentals

Calculating Vacation Home Ownership Costs EXPLAINED - Rentals

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Vacation home ownership costs are explained on both a monthly and yearly basis. Very important to know before you buy a vacation home and if you consider renting. Visit us online at

We go point by point and explain each typical vacation home rental expense. The biggest mistake we see vacation home buyers here in Orlando make is they grossly underestimate the costs to own a vacation home and fall into the trap of think they can rent the home to cover all their expenses.

Monthly costs we look at when owning a vacation home rental we cover include:

Homeowner Association - HOA fees.
Electric Bill.
Cable TV/Internet/Phone.
Water Bill.
Pool Care.
Property Taxes.
Escrow for wear and tear and major repairs.
Water Heater.
Pool Repairs
Pool Resurfacing
Routine monthly repairs

The big elephant in the room - Mortgage Madness. Why even if you rent your vacation home to cover the operating expenses, taking a mortgage is never a good idea.

Oceanfront Vacation Homes Repair costs skyrocket

Are vacation homes expensive to own?
Vacation homes are expensive to operate if you do not have a significant free cash flow